Fabulous Faculty Fall Fun Fest and Pumpkin Pizzazz!
Ahhhh, Fall…such a fun time of year when the humidity and temperatures begin to drop, and the excitement for fun fall activities increases! That crisp autumn air (or, for us in Georgia, the thought of imaginary crisp autumn air that may arrive sometime in mid-to-late November) also brings one of our favorite activities: super fun fall decorating!
Since we’re all about making things fun + festive, we doubled up on our fall fun this year by hosting a “Fabulous Fall Fun Fest and Pumpkin Pizzazz” breakfast for our faculty! We had two goals in mind: a fun, stress-free time for faculty bonding and a cute batch of decorated pumpkins for dazzling our dancers. Even though we aren’t morning people, we decided to do a 9:00 a.m. breakfast, and the 1.5 hours we allotted was the perfect amount of time! We used Paperless Post for our invite – they have some super cute options!
And, because we’re all so busy, a third goal was to keep the set-up quick and simple! We told the staff to dress in all black and not worry about make-up…we bought fun, inexpensive masks from Oriental Trading, and we all wore those for the fun + spooky group photo!
For breakfast, we served pumpkin coffee, pumpkin donuts and mixed fruit. In keeping with our theme, we topped our treats with some purchased sugary halloween candies. Oh, and we made a yummy, easy-to-assemble fun fall trail mix of peanuts, raisins, milk chocolate chips, candy corn and Reese’s pieces. It served as a delicious snack and added to the festiveness of the food table!
We selected a variety of pumpkins in varying colors, shapes and sizes so each faculty member could choose their favorite style to decorate. For pumpkin trimmings, we purchased halloween trinkets, fun ribbons, shiny jewels, colorful pompom balls, as well as other basic crafting supplies like glue, paint (acrylic and spray) and glitter! And, of course, Halloween confetti!
We draped craft paper over some folding tables, and used a variety of bowls and trays to display all of the craft supplies. Our faculty laughed, ate, sipped coffee (and we may or may not have served mimosas), and rated our crafting skills as we bedazzled our pumpkins. We had so much fun, and now we have some super festive pumpkins to liven up our studio during this fun time of year!
It was so great to spend some fun time with our faculty, while also creating some fab + fall decor for the studio! If you schedule your own “Fabulous Faculty Fall Fun Fest and Pumpkin Pizzazz” party, please share your photos with us! Happy Fall Y’all!