Get Your Sparkle On!
It’s the holiday season, so of course we are dreaming of sparkles! And, in the spirit of the winter holidays and end-of-the-year festivities, we wanted to share a few fun ideas of how you can add a little SPARKLE to your dance world! TBH though, we love sparkle ANY time of the year! For us, glitter is always in season and sequins never go out of style! So, take heed and get your sparkle on!
Sequin Fabric Wall Art
Yes, seriously. Trust us on this. You, your dancers, their siblings, parents, staff, EVERYONE will be obsessed with this simple sequin wall art! This special sequin fabric that you can “write” on with your fingertips (the sequins flip both ways revealing a different color) can be purchased at any fabric store (we bought ours at JoAnn with a 50% off coupon!). Once you have the fabric in hand, all you need is foam core cut to the size you want (we bought two 40x60in sheets from an art supply store) and a hot glue gun! Simply cut the fabric to size, wrap it tightly around the foam core and glue it down. You really can’t mess it up! Now you are ready to hang it on the wall and watch everyone flock to it and “draw” on it! It’s such a conversation piece, and make sure you add some studio branding around it because your dancers will be snapping and posting pics on Insta! (In the spirit of sparkle, might we suggest our Shimmer Gems photo frame or even the complete branding pack to complete the sparkle?! )
We Believe in Disco
Everyone loves a disco ball! Hang one in your studio, buy small and medium-sized disco balls in lots of colors (now is a great time to shop for your supply in the holiday ornaments section of your favorite stores (probably on clearance!)), and incorporate them into your dance class (Disco Inferno, anyone?)! You may recall a blog post earlier this year suggesting you hold a disco party at the end of class! Yes. Now, that’s super sparkly and fun!
Finger Lights Delight!
If you think the sequin wall wasn’t obsession enough, just bring out the finger lights in class! Watch your dancers’ (of all ages) faces literally light up with excitement at the mere mention of using them in class. For your tiny dancers, you can create a shimmering, sparkling fairy land. In fact, our Twirl Dance Day CD has the perfect song–Fairy Wonderland– to transport your dancers to a magical place! Or,try one of our favorite songs to use: Barbie’s Get Your Sparkle On. For older dancers, dim the overhead lights and incorporate the finger lights into jazz walks, hip hop combos or tapping fun! You can find them in craft or party supply stores, but we buy ours at Cool Glow.
Spark(le) Your Creativity!
Of course, whenever you decide to sparkle, don’t forget to save some sparkle for yourself! Dressing the part will always spark some extra creativity, so get your sparkle on! Silver sequin pants? Yes, please! Paired with our new Make Dance Fun sweatshirt? Oh yeah! While you’re feeling creative, grab your spark*source planner and map out how you and your studio will continue sparkling all year round!
With these fun ideas, you and your studio will be ready to shimmer and shine any time of the year! So, Get Your Sparkle On, make dance fun and LET IT GLOW!