Survey: How Can We WOW You With Our Next WOW Cards?

It’s official: you’ve made WOW Cards our most popular product in print! We thank you and are honored that you love them as much as we do (and as much as our dancers do!), and we want to keep WOWing you!
Many of you have heard the story that when we created the original version of WOW cards, we had a younger dancer in mind, thinking mostly pre-school and elementary-aged dancers would be excited about receiving these fun compliment cards. Boy, were we ever wrong! These cards literally WOW dancers of every age and skill level! That’s why we created our second version, WOW v2 and included a more diverse set of cards that would appeal to more dance styles, more age groups and more specific actions to reward.
And, if you have never heard of our WOW cards…they are tiny compliment cards to hand out to your dancers and make their day! They are great to use to reward a student for applying a correction, going outside their comfort zone, being a great teammate, completing a challenge…there are so many ways to use them! We keep them by our stereo in each of our studios and we give them sparingly! We like to reserve for those big WOW moments! Check out the hashtag #wowcarded to see how our cards are used! Choose from two different versions of these super fun sets of WOW compliments: Original and v2! Each version includes 500 WOW Cards, 25 each of 20 different fun + fancy designs! Both versions are appropriate for all ages, but WOW v2 cards were designed with the teen and tween dancer in mind, with original WOW cards perfectly suited for your youngest dancers!

That leads us to today! We are ready to move on to the next generation of WOW Cards and want feedback from you on what you’d like to see on WOW v3! And, what if we expand the WOW family beyond just cards? Would you be into that? We are considering the idea, but want to hear what you think!
You can let us know by taking our WOW Survey! It’s short and sweet, but if you do us the honor of spending a couple minutes to answer a few questions, you’ll be entered to win a box of our NEW WOW Cards once they are ready this summer! The drawing will take place on Thursday, April 18, so make sure you complete the survey before then if you want to be entered!

We’re also asking you in the survey to tell us on your TOP THREE favorite cards from each set. You never know…a few of the fan-fave cards may even reappear in a refreshed style in future WOW Card boxes, so make sure you get your picks in!
Sound like a plan? Click here to take the WOW Survey! Thanks for your input…and thanks for WOWing us every day!

p.s. We are down to under 100 boxes remaining of our original version of WOW Cards (the gold box), and we do not plan on reprinting this version again when they run out! So, if you are in love with this version, you may want to put in your order soon! But don’t worry, we promise we will follow it up with a version you will love even more!
1 Comment
July 2, 2021 at 2:32 pm
Hope M Grindlinger says:
Can we order these or the kit to make them?