A Fun + New Revenue Stream: Twirlmesters!

by on Jan 20 '25

Are you looking for fun + new revenue streams to bring into your studio? We have the perfect program for you: Twirlmesters! Here’s how you can start bringing in additional revenue to your studio in just a few days!

Utilize our innovative, turnkey Twirl™ program that offers TEN done-for-you lesson plans + lots of fun extras for the dancers! 

With 10 fun lesson plans in each program, customize a Mini TWIRLmester to any session length that works best for your studio schedule up to 10 weeks! You also receive marketing images as well as language you can tweak to match your studio’s offering when promoting. 

So many reasons, but here are the Top 2!

  1. Don’t miss out on dancers who want to register after you’ve closed out enrollment for your recital classes ~ invite them to join your Twirlmester!
  2. Offer an option for moms who want lower commitment, lower involvement for their child by starting with a Twirlmester. Then, upsell them to your amazing studio once they are enrolled in these fun programs!

Today! Why wait? Twirl ships out immediately, and you can begin as soon as you are ready! 

Twirlmester Cost to Open:

  • Minimum order of 10 of one level (see below for details) for $280 + shipping
    • $28 each additional dancer + shipping 
  • Teacher + Assistant cost
  • Optional investment in fun decor and/or props in the lesson themes (most can shop from their existing prop/costume closets!)

More About Twirl!

Twirl™ is collection a fun + fanciful preschool lesson plans offering unique and creative dance-focused activities for your tiny dancers, complete with captivating characters, catchy rhymes and a super fun activity book! 

Every Twirl Dancer will receive:

  • A fun + colorful Twirl activity book demonstrating age-appropriate dance steps and proper terminology in a creative + fun way. Teachers will store the book throughout the season and provide it to the dancer at the graduation celebration! 
  • A coordinating fun sticker to place in their book after completing each lesson plan!
  • A fancy Twirl ribbon for adorning your dancers’ dance bag. Dancer’s receive their Twirl ribbon on the first day of dance and each week, you can reward good behavior by adding a sparkly adhesive rhinestone to the ribbon!
  • A customizable Twirl Graduation Celebration certificate to be presented at the end of the Twirl session. 

Each Twirl level includes a Teacher Guide with 10 detailed lesson plans centered around a fun theme and a dance focus for each lesson. The teacher guide includes lots of extra details in it as well, including fun ideas of how to decorate your dance room for each theme! 

Twirl is offered in three different levels:

You can learn more about Twirl here! Or email us at funbegins@confettionthedancefloor.com and we’ll be happy to help you get started today!

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