Confetti Conversation with Kim Delgrosso
It’s time for a new Confetti Conversation! We cannot say enough times or with enough emphasis how much we love Kim Delgrosso! Kim has always been an inspiration to us, dating back to the first time we saw her students perform many, many years ago. The past few years, we’ve been fortunate enough to serve as Ambassadors for Dance Teacher Summit with her, and we’ve gotten to know her even better (and become even more inspired!). Coming from a studio that trains well-rounded dancers ourselves, we just love that Kim has mastered this as she trains and prepares her dancers to do it ALL! If you’ve ever had the chance to chat with Kim or listen to her speak, you know that her calm, sincere aura is contagious and yet another quality we admire and strive to achieve. We are super excited that we were able to have a Confetti Conversation with her and even more excited to share it with you!
She is known throughout the country as an advocate and supporter of the dance industry. But, for those of you who don’t know Kim Delgrosso yet, you are in for a treat! She is #goals in every sense of the word! Before our Confetti Conversation, let us tell you a little bit about Kim!

Kim’s family!
As co-owner and creative director of Center Stage Performing Arts Studio located in Orem, Utah, she’s cultured a lifetime filled with three passions: family, children and performing arts. She inspires hundreds of aspiring young dancers daily, including her own daughters, many of whom work as teachers and coaches in her program today. Some notable alums from Center Stage are Derek and Julianne Hough, Jenna Johnson, Hefa Tuitta, Chelsie Hightower, Jared Murillo and many more! Kim was also Mandy Moore’s first dance teacher!

Kim’s beautiful and talented daughters!
Under the label of Kim Delgrosso Productions, Kim also provides entertainment for industrials, movies, theater and television. She is the producer and director of the annual Dancing Under the Stars show each summer. As part of the show she hosts DanceFest, a weeklong festival that inspires and educates budding artists by bringing in top dancers, choreographers and industry professionals who teach master classes and workshops as part of the event.
Already, you can see why we wanted to have this Confetti Conversation with her! Her experience, passion, skill and commitment is something we can all learn from and aspire to! So, now we’ll let her tell you more in her own words. Here’s our Confetti Conversation!
When did you first become involved in the dance world?
I began dancing when I was 9 years old. I owned my first studio at age 26.
Favorite book, magazine, quote?
My favorite word: Love
What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?
Surround yourself with a team of people that understand the journey. Then, let those people do their jobs.
What’s a mistake you’ve made (or watched someone else make) that you learned from?
I make mistakes daily. It’s ok to make mistakes. The challenge is learning from your mistakes. Very smart people also learn from others’ mistakes. Admitting to mistakes, taking ownership, and then moving forward is the secret to progress.
Do you have any productivity hacks?
Do not procrastinate!!! Ever!
What’s your creative process?
Music is what kicks those juices in. I tend to workshop movement, and then it all comes together. I wake up at 4a.m. often with full productions in my mind. I write them down, and then go back to sleep happy!
Who or what inspires you?
So many things inspire me…children, words, music, nature, love, family, service, animals, and God.
Who is your dance icon?
Mandy Moore
When you face a creativity block or an uninspired day/week/month, how do you move yourself out of it?
I sleep!
What encourages you the most about the dance world today?
It’s so accessible. It’s mainstreamed and getting the recognition it deserves.
Biggest accomplishment?
Living long enough to see my students reach the success they dreamed of and worked so hard for.
What’s the most fulfilling part of your job?
Teaching three generations of dancers.
What’s next for you and your business?
I love producing shows with my production company. It’s really picking up.
As you know, Confetti on the Dance Floor is all about celebrating fun, positive and inspirational moments! Tell us about your most confetti-worthy moment?
Going to Mandy Moore’s house and having her show me the pictures of the creation of La La Land was amazing! Seeing my six daughters dancing together on different shows. But, on a day-to-day basis, just teaching young dancers inspires me the most!
OK, on to some fun, quick-fire questions. You know, the really important stuff…
Cocktails or Mocktails?
Coffee or tea?
Queso or Guac?
Pizza or tacos?
Go-to Emoji?
Morning person or night owl?
Night Owl
Take out or Dine in?
Dine In
Broadway or Hollywood?
Netflix or Big Screen?
Sequins or sweats?
So, there you have it! We want to thank Kim Delgrosso for being an amazing and inspiring leader in the dance industry and for taking time out of her busy life for this Confetti Conversation! Make sure to follow Center Stage on Instagram (@centerstageutah) to see all the amazing things happening at her studio! You can also find her on Instagram at @kimdelgrosso. And, you can meet and be inspired by Kim this summer at Dance Teacher Summit in Long Beach, California in August!
1 Comment
February 23, 2017 at 1:52 pm
Jessica says:
Hello All!
Just wanted to to give Kim some love. I had the honor of going to her Fill Your Cup seminar at the Summit this past Summer. It was a very beautiful time all spent together. She is so generous with her stories, her emotions and her life. I left emotional and inspired. <3