ConfettiMOOD: Zen
Can you hear it? The collective sigh of finishing another fun + crazy season of dance? The…wait for it…quiet in your studio? Nothing but the hum of your A/C? That’s what we like to call (in a whispered voice, of course) complete and total ZEN.
Sure, as studio owners, we don’t want it to be quiet for very long, but that teeny, tiny stretch of time post-recital and pre-summer schedule is pure bliss. We all know it only lasts mere moments, or so it seems, but those moments are crucial and what carry us through to the busy summer months ahead. Self care, people!
And, we’re there right now. For just a smidge. But we’re there. That’s why our Confetti MOOD for June is ZEN!
If only we could capture this feeling and bottle it up to dose ourselves during the crazy. We’d be gazillionaires, for sure! Maybe we can’t become dealers of Zen, but we can make the best of this morsel of time to relax and recharge. We’ll need it for the intense focus required of us in the coming months.

Confetti angels, anyone??
Our Mantra
Good Vibes Only–one of our all-time fave mantras–is a must for a zen-like existence! When we have a chance to slow down for a day or two, we most definitely like to surround ourselves with our favorite things. That means following our other fave mantra– Treat Yo’ Self!– and indulging a little while we take a moment to breathe. We think you should too! Take a vacation, staycation or daycation! Congratulate yourself for another successful year and celebrate being finished with recitals…before it all comes rushing back to do over again!
Whether or not you get that well-deserved vacation in, here are a few things we love that might help you to also find your ZEN this month, even if just for a few days (or even a few hours)!
A calm, soothing bath
A simple, scented candle
A fun journal that, if we can’t physically BE in our ZEN place of choice (Palm Springs, of course), at least serves as a tiny reminder, even if it is just a place to record our serene, positive thoughts.
If you aren’t into journaling, a good, inspiring but easy read is always uplifting.
Comfy but cute attire
Well, if we must…we love this fun yoga mat.
Chill-ZEN Out Playlist
Use our Chill-Zen Out Spotify playlist in class for cool down, a mellow contemporary or lyrical combo or just listen for your own personal escape from the crazy!
Note: If you don’t already have a Spotify account, you will be asked to create one in order to access our list, but it’s FREE and EASY, and only takes a quick sec. Do it! While you are there, you can check out the playlists from all our previous ConfettiMOOD posts, too!

We mayyyyy still be checking our Instagram while relaxing!!!
Whether it’s for 10 minutes, two days, one week or the entire month, we hope you’re ZENspired by our Confetti MOOD and can find your own ZEN this month! And, make sure you check out our Pinterest boards for more ZENspiration and to find links to all our items featured in this post and more! While you are there, you can also check out all our previous #ConfettiMOOD posts from 2017 so far!
PARTY (um, yes, we are choosing to be ZEN about the fact that this was our last blog post and you’re getting back-to-back ConfettiMOOD posts! From PARTY to ZEN is the perfect flow of MOOD as far as we are concerned.)
Na.Ma.Sté, y’all!
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