Current #ConfettiMOOD: BRIGHT!
Happy New Year! It’s a new year, a new month and a new Confetti MOOD! So this January (and hopefully all year long), we’re feeling BRIGHT! We have some BRIGHT ideas to help you get 2018 off to a BRIGHT start. So bright, you gotta wear shades! So, read on for some BRIGHT-as-a-light-bulb inspo for your studio and dance classes!
January is pretty much synonymous with goal setting, and we want to help you set goals that will help you shine BRIGHT in the future! We’ve put together a FREE step-by-step goal-setting tool for dance teachers: Get It, Goal! This cheat sheet will help you kick off 2018 with BRIGHT goals that SHINE! As an added bonus, we included our 2018 goals for Rhythm Dance Center in hopes to inspire and nudge you to think about where you want your dance teacher life to take you in the coming year! If you’re in the Confetti Circle, you have a direct link to this guide in your email already! If you are not already in the Confetti Circle, click here to download this FREE tool today! It’s only available for a limited time, so don’t delay!
A new year is the perfect time to BRIGHTen up a wall in your studio for your dancers to snap photos in front of! We (Becca & Dani) crafted a giant, super fun and BRIGHT pom pom ball light bulb to hang on our lobby wall at Rhythm Dance Center. You can’t help but smile when you see it! We are sharing the “how to” steps so you too can craft a DIY bright bulb for your studio. Here are the simple steps we took to create this fun, bright photo op.
Pom pom balls of all sizes (bigger the better) in 6 colors – we used light pink, bright pink, green, orange, blue and white
Lots of large yellow pom pom balls
Small silver pom pom balls
Large yellow poster board
One poster board for each color you want the rays to be (we chose 5 colors, plus white)
Colorful (not yellow) stick on letters (at least 2.5″-3”)
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
All supplies can be purchased at your local craft store ~ Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Walmart, Joanns, etc. If you are anything like us, much of what we needed was already in our craft closet:)
1. Find a sketched image of a light bulb (google images), draw it as large as you can on the yellow poster board and cut it out.
2. Cut giant, long triangles (we did 9) out of the colored and white poster board
3. Heat up your glue gun
4. Start by gluing all the yellow pom poms onto the main part of the light bulb
5. Next glue the small silver pom poms to the bottom of the bulb
6. Glue colored pom poms to the matching triangles
7. Hang on your wall with push pins
8. Add a positive message and maybe even your studio name to the center of the bulb with the stick-on letters. Here are a few ideas…
Shine bright at (your studio name)!
The future is bright at (your studio name)!
Bright Ideas in 2018! With this one, you could have your dancers write down a goal and pin it on the wall or bulletin board around the bulb.
We can’t wait to see your DIY light bulbs and how much they brighten up your studio! Post a pic and be sure to use #confettibright and tag us @confettionthedancefloor!!

Here is ours we did at Rhythm Dance Center! We added some positive quotes as well!
BRIGHT Playlist
Each month, we create a new ConfettiMOOD playlist on Spotify to help inspire us in class all month long. Our BRIGHT playlist is super fun and sure to kick off your January dance classes to a BRIGHT start! Check it out here!
Note: If you don’t already have a Spotify account, you will be asked to create one in order to access our list, but it’s FREE and EASY, and only takes a quick sec. Do it! While you are there, you can check out the playlists from all our previous ConfettiMOODs, too! It’s a never-ending supply of fun songs to use in dance class for all ages!
Make sure you also check out our Pinterest Boards for even more BRIGHT inspo. While you are there, you can also peruse all our 2017 ConfettiMood Boards, too, because they are loaded with fun + fresh ideas applicable!
ConfettiMOOD: ZEN ConfettiMOOD: PARTY
ConfettiMOOD: PINK ConfettiMOOD: FRESH
Wishing you all a BRIGHT start to your new year!