The 2017 Not-On-Your-List-Yet Checklist!

Do you feel like your 2017 is already off to a chaotic start?
Happy New Year! While everyone else is filing away their Santa lists and writing down their New Year’s resolutions for 2017, we’ve compiled a different kind of list for dance teachers and studio owners. This is not your typical New Year’s resolution list. Sure, we all know we should be drinking more lemon water, ramping up our exercise and saving more pennies, but those kinds of things are likely already on your 2017 list.
Nope, you won’t find those things on this list! For starters, this list is FUN! (What else would you expect from us?!) OK, it does include some work-related goals for 2017, but don’t let that stress you out! Your three-months-from-now self will thank your today self tremendously for putting this list to work now. You can get organized with your planning while having fun, and the sooner you start addressing these not-on-your-list-yet things, the sooner your 2017 will become less stressful and more productive!
So, while you are mapping out your plan for shaving off those few extra holiday pounds (that may or may not have been added by too many sugarplums dancing their way into your tummy!), make sure you download and print our FUN + FANCY 2017 Not-On-Your-List-Yet Checklist here! And, start checking things off now! As a bonus, in this post, we’ve elaborated on each checklist items so you can move straight into action!

Aghhh, so many priorities coming up…where do you even begin?

Check out our 2017 not-on-your-list-yet checklist as motivation to be productive and FUN!

The list is #totesadorbs! We already have it on our bulletin board and are checking things off!
Recital Ramp-Up
It’s never too early to be planning for this! We know you have the big stuff down, but here are some ways to ramp-up the fun:
- Create a hashtag for your show – start using it now! Create a hashtag for your show and start using it NOW to build excitement for your theme!
- Bring your recital theme to the theater lobby by adding fun + fancy theme decor! Before you set the literal stage, give your year-end show the grand entrance it deserves by decorating the lobby, tables and sides of the stage in the theme of your show. You will be amazed by what just a few festive tablecloths, decorative props and displays can do to set the mood!
- Schedule a fun photo shoot to use for show promo and decor! Hold a fun photo shoot of the principal characters in your recital! You can create posters to use at your show or just for fun promotional social posts.
- Cue the confetti (order it now!) Order confetti to throw during your finale performance at the recital. It adds SO MUCH FUN and your dancers will love it!
- Treat YO’self to a spa day…before + after the show! Schedule at least one spa day between now and the recital, and another for the day after your recital!
Competitions: The Reason for the Crazy Season
Oh yes, we all know how stressful competition weekends can be. Here are some ideas to make it a little more bearable!
- Upgrade your hotel room! Yes, you will pay a little extra but it’s soooo worth it to have more space or be on a quieter floor. Often there are added perks, like free breakfast, drinks, snacks, etc. which can offset other costs you would have anyway. Just do it!
- But first, coffee (or cocktails) with studio owner friends! Schedule a coffee or cocktail break during competition weekend with other studio owners and catch up! This is a free group therapy session, and you may even learn something from each other that you can take back and implement into your business!
- Make Monday a Funday! Take the Monday after competition off (competition dancers & teachers too!). Everyone earned it! You also earned that longggg, relaxing mani/pedi, so book that now too!
Good Vibes Only for Summer!
START PLANNING NOW for your summer recreational dance programs! Be ready to announce camp themes and dates by March 1!
- Show theme = Summer Camp theme! Plan one of your summer camps in the same theme as your recital. Re-use props, decor, and even music! Kids will be excited about this after being a part of the show!
- Sneak peek your summer camps by planning a Cool Summer Beach Bash! During a Saturday in March, host a winter “beach party” and invite kids for a sneak peek of summer camp! Offer camp registration specials for attendees who sign up early! Include fun + festive summer touches like a lemonade stand or popsicles, offer branded beach balls for giveaways, have a summer craft station and encourage everyone to wear bright summer colors or bathing suits! This is a perfect time for your company dancers to perform. They can even lead some interactive dance games to fun summer tunes!
- Make life easier with Twirl and Camp Confetti (coming soon!)! If you aren’t already a Twirl studio, you should be! Twirl is a preschool program that adds sparkle + merriment to your existing curriculum. It’s designed to be a year-round program, but can easily be adapted into a summer camp and fit into a week or a mini summer session! You simply build the costs into your summer camp fees and, voilá! You can check that off your list! If you are or plan to be a Twirl studio throughout the year, we don’t recommend offering it as a summer camp. But never fear, Camp Confetti is here! If didn’t hear the exciting announcement that we will soon be launching Camp Confetti to cure all your summertime blues, add that to your to-do list, too! Camp Confetti will launch in early 2017 and provide dance studios with fun + affordable summer dance camp plans in a quick and easy download, including themes, dance activities, dance games related to the theme, combos (with video tutorials), crafts, music suggestions and more! Each theme will be sold separately, and we will offer both preschool and elementary camps. We will even include an option just for boys! Each Camp Confetti theme comes with promotional text and images to assist you in advertising your summer programs on your registration materials, website and social media! So, your summer programs are ready to go with Twirl and Camp Confetti. Check. It. Off!
- You’re kind of a big deal, so book YOUR summer vacay or staycay TODAY! Did you book your summer vacation yet? Or, at the very least, a Staycation! You deserve a sunny beach and a fruity drink or just a day for yourself, so make sure you reserve some down time for you! If you don’t plan it, your calendar will fill up! Do it today…and you will have something to look forward to during the madness of our busy winter dance season!
Fun, Like a Boss!
Being the one in charge doesn’t mean you can’t bring the fun! Try these simple but impactful ideas to keep the good vibes flowing with your team!
- Host an impromptu Mexican Fiesta (at a restaurant!) for your staff! Invite your staff to go eat Mexican food after class one night. Keep it low key and fun, no need to talk about work!
- Power brunch with your staff! Surprise your staff with coffee and brunch at one of your regular staff meetings. Make it power brunch by asking for their input and feedback on some challenges you are currently facing. And, you don’t have to get fancy…bagels and donuts are always appreciated!
- Throw compliments around like confetti (to your staff)! Something as simple as a nice, handwritten note with a WOW Card attached will show your teachers that you truly appreciate them. This is a major morale booster that will go much further than just making their day!
Download The 2017 Not-On-Your-List-Yet List now and turn your 2017 Aggghhhs into ahhhs!