January Confetti Mood: Focused on Fun!

Happy New Year! Raise your hand if you ripped your 2020 calendar off the wall at 12:01a.m. on January 1 and promptly threw it into the dumpster from which it hailed (with a lit match to boot)! It’s pretty safe to say that we all needed to turn the page on 2020, so we are welcoming this fresh start on a new year with wiiiiide open arms. And that’s why our #funconfettimood this month is Focused on Fun!
2021 is More Fun with our NEW Podcast!
We are really Focused on Fun in 2021 with our NEW Podcast: Make Dance Fun! Our first episode launched on Jan. 1 and our second episode is out today! We are super excited to share it with you and are so happy with your positive responses so far! The podcast is all about adding fun, festiveness and a little fancy to all the ins and outs of running your dance studio! In each episode, we will share tips, tricks and tools that have helped us run a successful business for almost 3 decades!
We would love for you to subscribe to Make Dance Fun through your favorite podcast app and also leave us a 5-Star review! We’ll release new episodes on Wednesdays. And, each week, we will choose one review to read on the episode and send that person a fun Confetti prize as a thank you! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!

Adding Fun into Your Goals
Even though we’re in a new year, we aren’t completely out of the cone of uncertainty. No one knows what is going to happen or when we will be able to all go back to “normal”. And, what does normal even mean now?! In spite of the unknowns, we want to strive to figure out a way to stay positive and keep focused on fun!
January is typically a time for setting longterm goals for whole year and taking small steps each month to make them happen. But maybe that’s not really doable right now. Instead, why not create smaller short term goals that are realistically achievable? How can you add fun to your studio THIS week? What are some things that are already on your to-do list that you can add a fun, positive spin to? What steps can you take to find a more fun and positive outlook on the obstacles we are all facing as small business owners? It’s OK to start small on short-term goals and then expand on them once we have a little more certainty in what the future holds.
A Spotify Playlist that’s only Focused on FUN!
To help you get into our Focused on Fun Confetti Mood, we’ve curated a playlist that’s sure to be FUN! In fact, we made a point to only include songs with the word FUN in the title, so it’s kind of a guarantee!
Play them in your dance classes or just listen when you want to add some fun to your day! Check out our Focused on Fun Playlist here!
Note: If you don’t already have a Spotify account, you will need one to access our list. It’s FREE and EASY, and only takes a quick sec! While you are there, check out the playlists from all our previous Fun Confetti MOOD posts, too!

Focused on Fun-spiration!
As you already know, we are all about FUN, so we love looking for fun inspo everywhere we go… Pinterest included! We created this Pinterest Board to help you find some of your own! From words of encouragement and decorating a wall in your office to creating a mood board for the month/year and treating yourself to one thing that makes you feel happy, colorful and fun, our Pinterest board is full of ideas! Check out our Focused on Fun Pinterest Board here!
Begin your year with some bright inspiration by making your own Pinterest board filled with colorful things that inspire you. Think about it from a visual point of view! In addition to (or instead of) a Pinterest board, create a mood board that you can put in your office, studio or anywhere that will bring you joy when you look at it! Print out colorful photos, cut images and words out of magazines, and/or find fun cards or pieces of fabric to create a colorful, visually appealing wall or area!

We were inspired to style this shelf with lots of fun and colorful things that make us happy. These are all fun items we already had in our studio, we just overloaded the area with colorful fun! For us, creating a colorful mood board and/or area always motivates and inspires us in a new way! We hope you create something visual that will help you start the new year Focused on Fun!
We wish you all the best in this new year and hope we’ve inspired you to Focus on Fun in 2021!